The New Year is a perfect time to start afresh and focus on optimising your physical health. You don’t have to spend lots of money in order to invest in your own wellbeing, so why not make a resolution to prioritise yourself in 2023?
After we’ve indulged on sumptuous food and enjoyed gift giving over Christmas, many of us are now feeling sluggish, berating ourselves for eating too much and craving healthier options that won’t break the bank.
To help you achieve your fitness goals on a budget, we spoke to Amy Rose, an experienced nutritionist and personal trainer who works as a coach for our sponsorship partner XL@Football, a women’s football academy based in Kent.
As well as educating people about the benefits of stability, Amy believes maintaining a strong body and mind shouldn't be out of reach for anyone. She wants to make sure learning about a balanced diet and exercise is attainable - and if we enjoy a treat day, it’s nothing to feel guilty about.
A simple shift in your routine could be more manageable than setting unrealistic milestones. If you feel you’re more likely to achieve your long-term goals when they fit in with your lifestyle, Amy has answered some fitness questions below to help you.
A nice easy way to help you lose body fat is to make sure you’re having protein with every meal. Protein-rich foods include fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, peas and tofu.
To feel more refreshed, think about reducing your alcohol and caffeine intake. You may have heard of Dry January to detox the body after Christmas festivities but don’t forget, you can start a detox at any time and it doesn’t have to last for a month. Set a goal that works for you.
Ideally you should be drinking two litres or more a day (that’s eight glasses). Water can aid your concentration, improve skin health and help to absorb vital minerals and nutrients. It’s a simple way to ensure you look and feel good!
Make sure you’re hitting 10,000 steps or more a day. That’s roughly five miles. Check your average amount of steps first then try different ways of adding more steps to reach your target. Remember you can add the additional steps gradually until you’re comfortable. Goodbye lift, hello stairs!
There are plenty of free apps available for you, they can be a great way to kick-start your fitness. You can look at NHS Couch to 5k, this is a running plan for absolute beginners. With its realistic expectations, you could achieve fitness for free.
As well as walking or running, don’t forget to check out YouTube. There are a great variety of workouts on there and many health and fitness experts ready to share their knowledge with you. I’d recommend Joe Wicks, The Body Coach. He became popular over lockdown and has short seven-minute workouts you can fit into your day, including low impact workouts suitable for people starting their fitness journey.
Try setting yourself small daily challenges if you can’t fit in a full workout. For example, every time you go to make a hot drink and you’re waiting for the kettle to boil you could fit in 25 squats. Squats are a great exercise to build up your strength quickly as they use different muscles at the same time.
You should be eating five different fruit and vegetables every day. Aim to eat more berries as they’re lower in sugar. Although they’re not in season at this time of year, frozen ones are just as good. Frozen vegetables are also a great way to save money and keep food fresher for longer. Frozen broccoli and spinach are my go-to choices!
Start taking multi-vitamins. They’re a great way to make sure you’re getting all of your necessary nutrients along with healthy meals. During the autumn and winter months, it’s important to get enough vitamin D from your diet as there’s less sun. If you have any health issues or concerns you can always speak to your doctor.
We hope you enjoyed our fitness tips from Amy to help you achieve a healthier 2023 on a budget. If you’re motivated to make the most of your money, we’re here to support your savings goals too. This could be the year you improve your health and your finances at the same time.
If you’d like more information about the programmes Amy can offer, you can visit her Instagram or Facebook page.