
Information for Branch and Savings Customers

Are you moving / Have you opened a new office in Sunderland?

No, neither OneSavings Bank plc nor its subsidiaries are moving, have any plans to move, nor have we opened a new office in Sunderland.  We’ve partnered with Paragon Customer Communications who’ll manage the receipt of postal communications from our customers. The processing of any customer communications received will continue to be managed by OneSavings Bank employees.

Is your registered address changing?

No, our registered address for OneSavings Bank plc will continue to be Reliance House, Sun Pier, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4ET, it’s only our Customer Services correspondence address that will change.

What is your new postal address?

Our new postal address is OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB.

Why are you directing post to Sunderland when OneSavings Bank is based in Chatham?

OneSavings Bank has a number of offices across the UK. We’ve partnered with a company called Paragon Customer Communications, an innovative company who offer industry leading technology, which will enable us to provide the best possible service to our customers.

All processing of work will continue to be carried out by OneSavings Bank staff at their respective locations.

If the work will continue to be managed by OneSavings Bank employees, how will you receive it?

Paragon Customer Communications will be responsible for receiving our post from Royal Mail, opening, sorting and digitally scanning the information. This is then securely uploaded to our systems to be processed. The only change is the location where the first stage of the process is completed – all other elements remain unchanged.

Paragon are fully compliant with current the General Data Protection Regulations GDPR Law and are ISO27001 (internationally recognised information security standard) compliant. As a minimum, all staff at Paragon Customer Communications are governed by the same policies and procedures as OneSavings Bank staff in relation to information security and there are strict measures in place to ensure adherence to these.

What happens to post addressed to your old address / I’m still sending post to your old address / Can I use the prepaid envelopes I currently have?

There is an internal mail redirection in place currently; therefore any postal communications sent using our old address will continue to reach us via Paragon Customer Communications. We’re actively working on updating all letters, literature, application forms and websites with our new Customer Services address, with a large proportion of these being changed from 28 September 2020. However, we’d encourage you to start using our new Customer Services address immediately.

Will this cause a delay in my details getting to you / Will I be affected by the re-direction in place?

All communications received will be managed within the same timeframes as they were prior to this change.

However, we’d encourage you to start using our new Customer Services address immediately to avoid any unnecessary delays.

Who is OneSavings Bank? / How are OneSavings Bank and Kent Reliance linked?

OneSavings Bank is a leading specialist mortgage lender, primarily focused on carefully selected segments of the mortgage market. Our specialist lending is supported by our Kent Reliance and Charter Savings Bank retail savings franchises. Diversification of funding is provided by sophisticated securitisation platforms. Our unique cost-efficient operating model is supported by our wholly-owned subsidiary OSBIndia.

Beware of Fraud

Unfortunately, criminals are using the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to trick people into revealing personal information, or offering medical products, guidance or a safe haven for money.

Please be vigilant of cold callers; there have been reports of people trying to obtain access to homes on the pretence of testing for the virus. Don’t answer the door to anyone you don’t know.

Kent Reliance will never ask you to share any personal, security (e.g., password/memorable information) or account details, or to move your savings to a safe account. Please remain vigilant and stay up to date with the latest information on fraud and security on the support page of our website.